R&D Tax Rebates
Get 43.5% of your expenses back
Helping Australian businesses receive R&D rebates since 2015.
Specialist R&D accountant
It is important that you engage an R&D specialist to ensure you maximise your claim.
Hassle free
We have streamlined processes meaning there is minimum input required from you.
100% success rate
We have been successful in all of our R&D tax incentive applications with AusIndustry.
First hand experience across variety of industries
From food manufacturing and entertainment to engineering and software development industries, we have helped businesses to access R&D funding to make their dream a reality.
Apart from helping our clients to get access to the R&D tax incentives, we have applied and received the rebate ourselves.
This is why we know exactly what you need for a successful claim and how to make the most of this opportunity.
Get extra cash to invest into your idea
Receiving a 43.5% rebate on your research and development expenses will give you the extra fighting chance to bring your idea to life.
If your company has income from another service or product, this will also mean that R&D rebate will increase your profitability.
Strengthen your balance sheet and get more financing options
While growing your business a strong balance sheet can play a crucial role.
A stronger balance sheet allows you to get access to more financing options, including specialist R&D lenders.
R&D rebate allows you to get access to more cash and makes your company more appealing for investors.
Research and Development Tax Incentive
We can help you register an R&D company with AusIndustry and process the R&D tax incentive claim.
Through the R&D Tax Incentive program, the Australian Government is endeavouring to increase the amount of research and development being undertaken by Australian companies. The primary aim of this broad-based, market driven program is to boost the competitiveness and productivity of Australian companies and, as a result, to deliver economy-wide benefits to the Australian community. In particular, this program aims to:
Encourage companies to conduct R&D that may not otherwise have been conducted; and
Improve the incentive for smaller companies to engage in R&D activities by providing predictable financial support.
To be eligible for the R&D incentive a company must have engaged in activities that satisfy the definition of 'core' R&D activities as well as incurring the minimum annual R&D expenditure threshold of $20,000.
What is being offered?
Larger companies (those with more than $20 million in turnover) currently receive a 38.5% Tax Offset on all eligible R&D expenditures (with any unused offset carried forward to the next tax year).
Smaller companies (those with less than $20 million in turnover) currently receive a 43.5% Tax Offset (5% higher than the larger companies receive) and, further, the company is entitled to receive a cash refund (rather than having to carry forward the tax offset).
The Research & Development tax rebates are refunded to eligible companies upon lodgement of the company tax return which includes a completed R&D tax incentive tax schedule.
Core and supporting R&D activities
Core R&D activities are defined as experimental activities:
where the outcome cannot be known or determined in advance on the basis of current knowledge, information or experience but can only be determined by applying a systematic progression of work that:
is based on the principles of established science; and
proceeds from hypothesis to experiment, observation and evaluation, and leads to logical conclusions; and
that are conducted for the purpose of generating new knowledge (including new knowledge in the form of new or improved materials, products, devices, processes or services).
Having established the 'core' R&D activities, other activities whose dominant purpose is to 'support' those 'core' R&D activities are also eligible for the R&D incentive.
How can we help?
We are experienced in AusIndustry R&D company registrations, and have the knowledge in R&D accounting to maximise your tax incentive benefit.