Introducing Audit Shield - A new Advali offering
Our Audit Shield service provides for the payment of professional fees incurred by a client when audits, inquiries, investigations, reviews or examinations (audit activity) of lodged returns or financial compliance obligations are instigated by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) and other government revenue authorities.
The cost of being properly represented can be quite considerable; even a simple inquiry can require hours of work. Our Audit Shield service provides a fixed, cost-effective solution to guard against these un-budgeted costs.
All professional fees, up to a prescribed limit (with no excess) are covered when you engage us in audit activity matters. When you choose to participate in our Audit Shield service you will receive the following benefits, plus more.
Income Tax, GST, BAS, PAYG Withholding, Fringe Benefits Tax, Land Tax, Stamp Duty, Superannuation Guarantee, WorkCover and Self Managed Superannuation Funds (SMSFs) are just a few items included in the extensive Audit Shield service coverage!